Thursday, 5 July 2012

Where was I?

Sorry I haven't posted for a while; been super busy.  Interesting how life does that sometimes isn't it?
You can go for ages having everything under control and then boom, it all turns upside down.
Well that's what happened to me anyway.
We had a major storm and the ceiling in my office literally fell in.  Still isn't mended properly and I keep praying it won't rain too much; worried that more of the roof might give way.  What an extraordinary thing to have happen. 
Next thing one of my family had a car accident and suffered severe injuries to her neck and arms.  Just when you think things are getting back to normal, I slipped on a wet deck and hurt my back and leg.
As I said, that's the way things go sometimes.  Hoping no more surprises like that are headed my way.  Could do with a few good surprises but then I guess there are a lot of you out there who know exactly what I mean. 
I'll tell you what I have come across though, a Facebook page which was showing some of the things that the Chinese have been doing to little animals.  Can't believe people can be so very heartless.
If you're interested, the website with all the details is:  You can check out the Facebook page from there.  It's a really fascinating site if you're a compassionate person.
I think I was so intrigued with all the articles because of everything that has been going on in my own life.  Reading about some of the things going on in the world begins to put everything in perspective doesn't it?
Anyway, hope to be back under full steam shortly.  But just wanted to say I haven't forgotten you, simply got a little sidetracked.  As the expression goes, "Life got in the way."

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