Sunday, 29 April 2012

Chia Seeds - Again

Well I never heard from any of you about how to use Chia seeds so after a little research I'll tell you what I found out.
You can grow your own plants; you can get a book telling you how to do this; you can get recipes.
The most interesting piece of information I found was that if you take a tablespoon of Chia seeds then drink a glass of water ten minutes before food you will not only eat less but it will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.
Take a look at this ladies website for further details.
Apparently Chia seed are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and have been around for years.  They can heal what's wrong with you and delay ageing; sounds great to me:)
So how come I didn't know all this years ago?

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Something New

I'm going to try something new to see if it's of any use to you guys.  What I'm doing is sorting out a new page with some 'red hot deals.'  I'm just in the process of getting the "hot deals" together: really want to make it worth your while.

Well we all made it through Easter for yet another year and surprise, surprise I had very little change in my weight.  I just love chocolate but over the years I've taught myself to like the really dark chocolate as opposed to the sweet milky variety.  The dark chocolate is actually quite good for you so long as you don't over do it:)  When I was a kid, my mother always ate dark chocolate and I really hated it; all I wanted was the sugary sweet stuff.  How she would be so surpised at me now!
Anyway, I must get on with these special deals so I'll talk to you soon.
Hope your journey is going the way you choose.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Almost Easter

Well here we are with Easter looming; I soooo love the Easter break.  Just getting into Autumn but still very warm.  Don't really think I have a favourite season as each one brings something special.  Mind you, having said that I must admit I'm always pleased to have Spring make an appearance as after a few months of Winter I begin to get to the stage of enough's, enough if you know what I mean.
Haven't bought any Easter eggs yet and suddenly realise I'm running out of time, it doesn't really matter though as Easter isn't actually about chocolate and buns.
I have been so busy today with a builder inspecting a hole in my ceiling.  Yes...we had so much rain recently my ceiling caved in; this particular room is situated under a deck and the builder now tells me that the original builder didn't do a very good job. tell me now!
I guess somehow someone will sort it out but I can tell you now, it won't be me.  Good job I have a husband and son who are good at repairing things.
Hope life is treating all you guys better; I tell you, when the ceiling fell in it brought a whole new meaning to Chicken Licken crying out to everyone that the sky was falling.
Until next time, have a Happy Easter everyone and stay safe.

Monday, 2 April 2012

What do YOU do?

Just been thinking....  what do YOU do when you seem stuck in a rut and every day seems like 'Groundhog' day?
I have been finding that every day is becoming just the same as the last and I'm desperate to see some changes.  My weight has not budged for ages even though I seem to be doing all the right things and I'm getting really fed up with feeling such an overweight slob!
When I mentioned that to someone recently, they seemed amazed that I should be feeling that way until I realised I was talking to someone who was stuck in almost exactly the same rut:)  I guess when you think about it, everything is relative isn't it?  I might think I'm fat but compared to another person I may appear quite ok; I might think my life is crap but compared to the next person it might be not too bad. What it really comes down to is how we feel about ourself that matters.
I read this recently and I'd like to share it with you guys.

"You have absolute control over but one thing and that is your thoughts.
This is the most significant and inspiring of all facts know to man!
This is the sole means by which you may control your own destiny.
If you fail to control your may be sure you will control nothing else."

Says it all doesn't it?  Have you read the little book "As a Man Thinketh?"  It says much the same sort of thing.  Basically we are what we think.  The way I see it is if you imagine your mind as a garden then when you think good thoughts you'll grow something good and wholesome, but if you think negative or bad thoughts your mind will only produce weeds.
Well that's my rant for today; leave a comment and let me know what YOU think.