Saturday, 28 January 2012

Obesity is really NOT our fault!

Don't know if any of you are aware but I have been in this weight loss business for a good number of years now and let's just say you'd think I'd have learnt all there is to know by now:)
Yes, here I am consulting others on their weight when I recently found my own had escalated more than I liked; well I sure didn't like what I saw in the mirror.  What I'm trying to say is that as much as you think you've got it all sussed you can still be caught unawares.  After a great Christmas and New Years my weight seemed to creep on without any effort and so I have now been getting back into my old routine which has always worked.  Thankfully my extra efforts have paid off as those pesky pounds are hitting the trail fast; hope everything is going great for all you guys.
I recently watched a video regarding 'obesity additives.'  This has apparently been studied by many scientists and they reckon they've proved that amongst all the other rubbish that is being added to our food these days it has now actually been found that there is also something being added that makes us hungry and want to eat more. Surprise surprise! Are any of us really surprised by that one?  But wait for's also being added into what we all know as 'diet foods.'
I'll get my hands on more info and post it here shortly, so as they say....stay tuned folks.

Friday, 27 January 2012

If you want to Burn Fat

I showed you a video of the Healthy Way but in case you missed it have a look at this one. It's really worth your while to take a moment.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Weight Loss Expert Loses 27kg.

Having trouble slimming down? Then use our tips to help you shed a few kilos.

We procrastinate, promise ourselves we’ll lose weight and get fit but then put it off for another day because we are just too busy.
Weight loss expert Vickie Cummings shed 27kg and kept if off by educating herself about healthy food, sticking to her 10 principles and ditching the faddy diets.
The Australian healthcare worker shares her philosophy in Diet Tips for Busy Chicks.

1. Commit to change

Unless you start to take charge of your life, you will never get rid of that unwanted fat — remember, a little can change a lot.

2. Know your approximate daily energy requirements

If your daily energy intake exceeds your body’s daily requirements, it will store the excess as fat. Likewise, if your energy intake is too low, your body will slow your metabolism and store the unburned calories as fat.
3. Know where your excess calories are coming from
High-calorie processed foods and alcohol tend to make up a major part of our modern diet. My daily intake is made up of 55 per cent whole carbohydrates, 20 per cent fat, 10 per cent refined carbohydrates and 15 per cent protein.
4. Reduce your daily intake by 500 to 1000 calories
Just making one small change each day can mean a calorie reduction of at least 500 to 1000, which should result in a loss of half to one kilogram of unwanted fat per week (that’s one or two tubs of butter — a lot of fat off the hips!).

5. Don’t ban foods or food groups

I enjoy a mainly plant-based diet, but I still love my treats. The key is to enjoy them in moderation. Don’t start and stop restrictive diets that ban or heavily reduce whole food groups because once you return to normal eating or old eating habits when ‘the diet is over’ the weight will return, and you could find your body fat percentage is higher than before.
6. Enjoy plant-based meals at least two or three times a week
There is mounting evidence to support long-term fat loss and health benefits based on plant-based nutrition.
7. Focus on fibre
Making plant-based foods the mainstay of your diet will ensure a healthy, varied diet that allows for lots of low calorie foods to be eaten, with some of the calories speeding weight loss.
8. Move more
We’re moving less than ever. Increase your activity to decrease your unwanted fat.
9. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas
We all know that drinking water is beneficial but we tend to overlook this fact. Good food and plenty of water are the perfect prescription for a lean, healthy body.

10. Don’t be a slave to the bathroom scales

Weight alone can be misleading. Busy chicks who are scale-watchers can be sent into an absolute frenzy, despite the fact normal fluctuations in body composition can take place many times throughout the day. For true validation of your weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes, take body measurements and keep watch of how loose your clothes are becoming and how different you look when you see yourself in the mirror.
Article courtesy of newideanz






    Monday, 23 January 2012

    That Dreaded Eight Letter Word.

    Well I'm sure I don't actually have to spell it out for anyone to guess just what that word might be? It's the one thing that for the really overweight, instills dread into their very heart; yes we all know that hideous feeling when someone mentions the word 'exercise.'  Why is it that we tend to loathe the thought of actually beginning some form of get fit routine?  I think it's because the larger we grow the harder it becomes to move our body.  Daily we feel more and more tired, probably because we're not getting a really restful sleep and all in all it's just so much easier to not get started than to go through the effort that is required.
    Being one of the overweight population I have been investigating this dilemma closely and have come to the conclusion that although I hate moving my body, if I want to get rid of my excess weight then I really have no option but to get started, so here goes.
    I am beginning by taking short walks with my dog each morning; the one advantage I have here is that my dog is quite old so she doesn't want to walk too far or too fast.  Both these things suit me perfectly the way I am feeling at present and logically thinking I know things can only get better:)
    So.......that's where I'm at, how about the rest of you?  What is your exercise program?  Do you have one?  Have you actually got out from behind your computer or up off the couch yet?  Believe me I know how hard it is to begin anything new.
    I have decided to walk daily and extend the distance gradually.  It doesn't really matter if you can't get past the end of your driveway, from my understanding it's all about getting started.  Once my walking is stonger and longer I shall have another go with my kettlebells.  Haven't touched them for a while which is really stupid as the exercises are so effective and really quite easy. I'm convinced it really is a mindset thing.  We convince ourselves it's all too hard so we settle into our familiar routine for yet another day.  So tell me, what's it going to take you to get moving?

    Wednesday, 18 January 2012

    Metabolic Cooking Book

    Today I've got a new cookbook to show.  One thing I want you all to remember is that I personally do not know everything about everything that's why I show you anything I think seems really worthwhile.
    It must follow the eating healthy and keeping well style of living.   This book is about metabolic cooking which is the way to burn excess fat.  Sounds good to me:)
    Check out some of the recipes available and see what you think.  Leave me a comment and tell me your thoughts.

    Sunday, 15 January 2012

    The Importance of Weight Loss in Heart Disease

    The first thing you must understand is that the health of your heart is core to your wellbeing. Your heart can develop disease through any number of incorrect lifestyle choices which can include smoking, too much alcohol, the using of drugs, lack of exercise or simply eating the wrong foods. Don't ever underestimate the effect weight loss and exercise can have on heart disease.
    When the average person hears the words heart disease they generally think of someone having a coronary heart attack as most of us have come across this at some time in our lives. Heart disease actually covers many more conditions. Just a couple of these are congestive heart failure and the condition known as an enlarged heart which sounds extremely scary to anyone and must surely be something to be avoided at all costs. So what are the details of these conditions and how can we avoid them?
    Let's begin with the enlarged heart which is not actually a disease in itself but a physical condition that can cover a variety of diseases and conditions and until these are brought under control your life may well be in jeopardy. There are a number of things that can contribute to this condition: alcoholism, obesity, thyroid function, high blood pressure, anaemia, heart valve problems or even on occasion, pregnancy can instigate this problem. To assist with getting this condition under control some major factors are to lose excess weight, cut alcohol, stop smoking and begin excercising. If these details are put into place you have much less chance of having to live your life supported by enormous amounts of medication.
    So what about congestive heart failure? The symptoms of this condition can also be varied and can consist of shortness of breath on exertion and when endeavouring to lie flat. Fatigue, weight gain due to holding excess fluid in your body, swollen legs and high blood pressure. To get this condition under control you may have to lower your salt and fluid intake and it is important for the person diagnosed with CHF to learn to read labels. It is amazing just how much extra sodium can be consumed through eating processed foods. Aerobic exercises are also recommended as this assists with getting your heart back into a healthy condition.
    Everyone should be eating and exercising for optimum health to reduce the risk of getting these conditions and actually shortening ones life span. A heart healthy plan is a sensible way to attack these conditions before they become apparent. The two major factors in your heart healthy plan are to eat sensibly and to exercise until you sweat as both these changes will assist in lowering your blood pressure.
    Endeavour to walk at least thirty minutes every day or use an elliptical trainer for cardio health; be gentle on your joints if you're unused to exercising. The next thing is to build strength which works your muscles including your heart. One of the easiest and most effective way to do weight training is by using Kettlebells. Some people have never heard of these little pieces of magic but they are rapidly becoming popular with anyone who wishes to reduce weight and tone their body easily in the privacy of their own home.
    You can seriously reduce the risk of developing any form of heart disease by watching what you eat. To follow a simple eating plan which is aimed at eating pure healthy foods you will certainly be doing your heart a favour. This involves less salt, plenty of fruit and vegetables, meat, chicken and fish and plenty of fibre. It really is not that difficult to get your body in top condition.


    Wednesday, 11 January 2012

    New Plans are Coming

    Hey Everyone,

    I've been so pleased to see how many of you are keen on losing weight the healthy way that I've decided to expand this blog into something a little more than just about weight loss.  Now don't think I'm going to be forgetting that area because I'm not, it's just that I really want to incorporate all that along with living a healthy lifestyle so watch out for a few changes.
    If you would like to receive extra tips and advice by email or if there's anything you want answered personally, please sign up and I'll be in touch soon.

    All the best,

    Sunday, 8 January 2012

    Healthy Diet Video and Weight Loss Tips

    Ever wondered what the 5 biggest fat loss goof ups are?
    I see men and women sabotaging their fat loss efforts everyday...
    fix these, and you'll lose the fat you hate!.
    >>>> FAT LOSS MISTAKE # 1
    Not having support for your fat loss - is #1.
    Ever had a partner, spouse, family member or friend that kept
    taking you to places to eat that constantly sabotaged your weight
    loss efforts? Many people struggle with that and don't know what to
    do about it. Trying to lose fat without social support is the wrong way to go
    about this.
    It's best to have your doctor, your workout partner, your partner or spouse,
    your coworders, and your friends all helping you and supporting you with
    your fat loss goals.
    Research shows that you'll benefit most from a health
    professional (i.e. a trainer) and a workout partner that is also
    successful - because they lost the weight before you and have kept it
    off. Get those two people on your team first, and then work
    on the rest of the group and you will lose the fat much easier.
    >>>> FAT LOSS MISTAKE # 2
    2) Not using a structured program - is # 2.
    If you've made this mistake, and most people do... don't
    beat yourself up too much. If you ever go into the gym and
    wonder what you are going to do first, you're already wasting your time -
    even before you choose what exercises to do!
    Don't sabotage your exercise efforts before you even start!
    Get a plan, know what you have to do, stick to it, and see it
    through. That way, no wasted time wandering around the gym deciding
    where to start and no distractions either...
    >>>> FAT LOSS MISTAKE # 3
    3) Not changing your workout after 4 weeks - is # 3.
    To be honest, if your workout plan has not worked to help you lose
    fat then it is time to start over. If it hasn't worked yet, why do
    you think it's magically going to start now? Change your work out
    or exercise frequently so you don't get bored!
    You'll get more results and you'll have more fun!
    >>>> FAT LOSS MISTAKE # 4
    4) Not realizing your results will come from eating the right fat burning foods
    nutrition more than they will from exercising is #4.
    I know you want to lose your excess body fat.
    But you have to face the fact that you have to eat right for fat loss.
    You can't starve yourself or exercise like a lunatic -- if you
    continue to pig out on junk food and expect to lose fat. No
    diet and exercise program is that good. None.
    Sensible eating habits beats over exercising every time.
    Eat whole, natural foods in 6 smaller meals each day. Get lots of fiber,
    lots of protein, and eat fresh vegetables. Watch the fats -- avoid trans fats.
    Drink lots of water and tea to keep you hydrated so you can burn the fat!
    Losing FAT this way is simple, so effective.
    Eat for energy and help boost your fat burning furnace!
    Get meals plans for men and women in Dr. Gabriel's Healthy WayDiet

    >>>> FAT LOSS MISTAKE # 5
    5) Not knowing when you are eating stuff that MAKES YOU FAT!.
    I get emails everyday from readers asking if they can add even more
    exercise, cardio and more lifting to their current workout plans. After all,
    if some is good, more harder, exercise must be better?
    Sorry, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
    You can't keep adding more and more exercise.
    First, there is diminishing returns from
    each additional set you do, and from extra cardio. Second, your
    body can breakdown fast from too much work, particularly when you
    are dieting. Overtraining and low calories go together like oil and
    water. Neither of these combos will make your fat burning machine do its job to burn fat.
    Stick to high quality nutrition, and high-quality fat burning exercises.
    The only thing that matters is your fat loss results.
    Not muscle soreness, not feeling exhausted after each workout,
    and not feeling deprived of food because you are starving yourself.
    Fat burning based exercise and quality food = a leaner body.
    Get started right. Watch the videos that explain all about how to
    eat right for fat loss the Healthy Way

    Thursday, 5 January 2012

    The Healthy Way Diet

    For all of you who require actual details of what to eat for your particular type of body then this plan has all the answers.  It fits in perfectly with everything we have already disussed and I know you're going to love it; take my word, you cannot go wrong with this.

     Just watch the free video and you'll see what I mean.  I'm going to give you further details regarding this Healthy Way Diet as it's too good to miss but first just check out the video.

    The Importance of Fasting/Cleansing.

    For those of you who might still be debating about whether you are going to commit to shedding your excess weight this year I want to make things easier.
    As I have mentioned on other posts it really does help get things moving by starting with a detox or maybe a fast for a short while. Never fast for an extended period of time as this can be detrimental to your health. One of the most popular cleanses is the Lemonade Cleanse which is used by many famous and not so famous dieters. How I hate that word "diet" as it seems to conjure up all things difficult. I much prefer to think I am changing my lifestyle of eating. This new way of eating fills your body with the nutrition it is lacking which in turn helps to keep those cravings under control. Now back to the cleansing; here are a few items you may find useful to get you started. Feel free to check them out.

    Did you know the secret to vibrant health is in your blender? It's true--juicing vegetables provides concentrated nutrition that is found in virtually no other source: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. By juicing, you'll feel better, more energized, and improve your immune system.
    More than a simple collection of recipes, this book guides readers toward a lifestyle that promotes alkaline balance by juicing, eating well, and cleansing the body and soul. While most juicing books focus too much on fruit juice (which disrupts the body's pH balance with too much natural sugar), this book primarily focuses on juices, smoothies and soups made from vegetables. It also also offers a guide to the food richest in nutrients from Vitamin A to zinc and includes various cleanses to benefit the colon, liver, gall bladder, and kidney and more. Beyond the body, the Caboms explain the heavy toll emotional, mental, and spiritual unrest can take on the body (and sometimes even encourage disease) and share unique, effective methods for cleansing the body of such toxicity.

    This is the first book devoted exclusively to the Master Cleanse since Stanley Burroughs wrote the original book in 1976. Written in a clear, simple style, it is based on the author's coaching hundreds of people, both live and on one of the largest Internet bulletin boards. It covers the widespread nature of obesity, the body's method of handling toxins by storing them in fat cells, how to do the cleanse, what detox symptoms are, what to do about them and what pitfalls to avoid. This book also contains personal experiences from scores of people as they did the cleanse day by, what to expect, which days are the worst, how the cleanse affects women, what ingredients to buy and answers the 70 most frequently asked questions. The author, Peter Glickman, has been a chiropractic clinic director, chelation clinic director (alternative medical procedure for plugged arteries), contributing editor to an online alternative health newsletter and president of two computer software companies.