Getting back on track with your eating plan following any sort of celebration can take a certain amount of determination. Remember just how much you wanted this weight loss in the first place; remember how much weight you'd lost prior to your set back.
If you have really gained more than a few pounds and feel miserable at having sabotaged all your own efforts please don't be despondent but think back to the beginning of this new lifestyle. It all began with a detox remember? To accelerate your progress and begin to get things moving once again it can be a good idea to do another detox for two or three days simply to clear all the accumulated rubbish from your system. What this will do is give you the added grit to continue with your original plan which was to lose all that surplus weight and become the trim, taught and terrific person you were born to be.
Don't let anything stand in your way as there are many tools you can use to get back on track and keep heading toward your ultimate goal. If you have any queries please feel free to leave a comment, I really would love to see you succeed.
How to lose weight fast. Natural eating plans, tips and advice on how to lose weight and maintain that weight loss for life. This is the ultimate information on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
"As a Man Thinketh"
There is a small book available that can be of enormous assistance to not only the weight watcher but practically everyone. It is written by James Allen and is call, "As a Man Thinketh." It actually describes the age old situation of mind set and for all of you who are still struggling with getting your weight under control this little book has some amazing things to say. I thought I'd like to offer this little book and really can't endorse it enough. Don't take my word for it though check it out for yourselves.
I have been given a link where you can download this little book for free. Enjoy:)
In As a Man Thinketh, James Allen reveals how our thoughts determine reality. Whether or not we are conscious of it, our underlying beliefs shape our character, our health and appearance, our circumstances, and our destinies. Allen shows how we can master our thoughts to create the life we want, lest we drift through life unconscious of the inner forces that keep us mired in failure and frustration.
"The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart-this you will build your life by, this you will become." This principle, which others have called "The Secret" or the "Law of Attraction," was clearly and convincingly stated for the first time in As a Man Thinketh. This edition features the complete, original text with an appealing new design.
I have been given a link where you can download this little book for free. Enjoy:)
In As a Man Thinketh, James Allen reveals how our thoughts determine reality. Whether or not we are conscious of it, our underlying beliefs shape our character, our health and appearance, our circumstances, and our destinies. Allen shows how we can master our thoughts to create the life we want, lest we drift through life unconscious of the inner forces that keep us mired in failure and frustration.
"The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart-this you will build your life by, this you will become." This principle, which others have called "The Secret" or the "Law of Attraction," was clearly and convincingly stated for the first time in As a Man Thinketh. This edition features the complete, original text with an appealing new design.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Christmas And Other Festive Occasions - Is It Possible To Lose Or Maintain Our Weight
Christmas is almost upon us and for all the weight watchers out there it is frequently yet another reason to stress. We stress enough all year regarding our body shapes and whether we're doing enough exercise or following the correct eating plan. When Christmas or any other festive occasion arrives such as Thanksgiving, a birthday, wedding or any other major function, we go into overdrive panicking about how we can maintain the weight we have already successfully lost.
For all you people in that mindset at this very time, I have good news. Yes it is possible and it doesn't take a whole lot of willpower or denial. So how is it supposed to happen then if you've been struggling all year long? It simply comes back to mindful eating and I'm going to explain precisely what you must do but firstly you must remember a few things regarding any change in your eating style.
Another point I would like to dwell on is the speed in which we often eat especially if we are not eating mindfully. This is most likely to happen if you make a habit of eating in front of the TV, or perhaps you're reading whilst consuming your meal or snack. Fair enough, this is not as likely to happen at a wedding but frequently over Christmas people have the TV on in the background and the snacks spread out invitingly on tables. Beware of this trap and think carefully before helping yourself to the available food; are you really hungry or is it simply a compulsion to reach out for the food simply because it is there.
Regarding the eating of salty snacks like popcorn, peanuts and crisps; they are not only high in fat especially if the popcorn is coated in butter, but the extra salt intake will absorb fluids in your body which contributes to that horrible bloated feeling.
It's not difficult to put these tips into practice, it is simply a case of eating mindfully or thinking before you eat. Enjoy your party and remember that with a little bit of thought you will maintain your weight throughout this festive season.
For all you people in that mindset at this very time, I have good news. Yes it is possible and it doesn't take a whole lot of willpower or denial. So how is it supposed to happen then if you've been struggling all year long? It simply comes back to mindful eating and I'm going to explain precisely what you must do but firstly you must remember a few things regarding any change in your eating style.
- Don't expect to change your eating habits overnight.
- Only make one change at a time.
- The slow and steady approach will increase your odds of maintaining any changes.
- Don't eat in front of the TV or newspaper.
- Be aware of what you are eating.
- Don't speed eat.
- Don't skip meals or snacks.
- Don't over indulge just because it's a special occasion.
- Watch your salt intake; peanuts, popcorn, chips and other salty snacks.
- Follow these instructions and you'll have a far greater chance of keeping your new lifestyle.
Another point I would like to dwell on is the speed in which we often eat especially if we are not eating mindfully. This is most likely to happen if you make a habit of eating in front of the TV, or perhaps you're reading whilst consuming your meal or snack. Fair enough, this is not as likely to happen at a wedding but frequently over Christmas people have the TV on in the background and the snacks spread out invitingly on tables. Beware of this trap and think carefully before helping yourself to the available food; are you really hungry or is it simply a compulsion to reach out for the food simply because it is there.
Regarding the eating of salty snacks like popcorn, peanuts and crisps; they are not only high in fat especially if the popcorn is coated in butter, but the extra salt intake will absorb fluids in your body which contributes to that horrible bloated feeling.
It's not difficult to put these tips into practice, it is simply a case of eating mindfully or thinking before you eat. Enjoy your party and remember that with a little bit of thought you will maintain your weight throughout this festive season.
Article Source:
When Your New Diet Fails To Deliver - Do You Give Up
There are so many diets out on the market that it becomes quite mind boggling trying to figure out just which one will be the right one for you. Well let me tell you, you're not alone with this dilemma. The chopping and changing from diet to diet has us lose a little, gain a lot, lose a little more, then gain it all back on again. The common name for this sort of dieting is called yo-yo dieting and it is far from being able to do anything permanent in the way of weight loss for your body, in fact quite the opposite is true.
With the regular losing and regaining of weight your metabolism gets totally thrown and finally fails to deliver anything positive at all. There is a very real danger to this way of dieting as it can lead to many health problems including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and ultimately low self esteem. This has been directly linked to the emotional distress caused by the individual being unable to control this area of his or her life.
So you're probably wanting to know what we are supposed to do to overcome this dilemma. Well once again there are a number of answers depending on which book you read or who you might be speaking to at that moment. Most of us have our favourite way of eating and one of these will be the best for you for ultimate weight loss; whether it be low carb, high carb, high protein or a bit of all these diets put together. Well let me say, the last idea is probably your safest. By eating a broad range of foods you can generally be assured of consuming a variety of vitamins and minerals which are so essential to maintaining good health.
There is another way of eating though that is not only safe but it can definitely work if you follow the rules carefully. It is often known as 'Mindful Eating' and the basis of this method is that eating and weight loss are actually more often a symptom of something entirely unrelated to food. By following this method of eating you can eat without guilt, without restriction and without feeling starved. I'm sure you've all experienced those times when you've just consumed a huge meal, think about Christmas or Thanksgiving; well within an hour you're convinced you're feeling hungry all over again. Well think about this for a moment, is it really possible to be so hungry when you've just put away a three course meal? Of course it's not, so what has triggered these feelings of needing to eat? These feelings that seem so very real to you at that moment.
The first thing for you to recognise is that hunger is a physical thing it's not the same as appetite, cravings or the desire to push food into your mouth. You have to begin to recognise the real feelings of hunger with your conscious mind not just react to some trigger that has you reaching for food to fulfill a need that is deep within your subconscious. These needs can have been embedded in our subcounscious minds from early childhood and may be there for any number of reasons. Clearly too many to go into in an article such as this.
Remember though, if you really can begin to recognise true hunger it will free you from many of those cravings and reactions you have to certain issues in your life. Food is as much a drug to some people as drugs and alcohol can be to others. If you reach for food at the mearest hint of anything emotional I would definitely suggest you give this 'Mindful Eating' a try, especially if you're still trying to stop the yo-yo dieting. This along with a little safe exercise such as walking or using the little kettlebells, will soon bring about the changes in your body that you've possibly been striving to attain for any number of years.
With the regular losing and regaining of weight your metabolism gets totally thrown and finally fails to deliver anything positive at all. There is a very real danger to this way of dieting as it can lead to many health problems including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and ultimately low self esteem. This has been directly linked to the emotional distress caused by the individual being unable to control this area of his or her life.
So you're probably wanting to know what we are supposed to do to overcome this dilemma. Well once again there are a number of answers depending on which book you read or who you might be speaking to at that moment. Most of us have our favourite way of eating and one of these will be the best for you for ultimate weight loss; whether it be low carb, high carb, high protein or a bit of all these diets put together. Well let me say, the last idea is probably your safest. By eating a broad range of foods you can generally be assured of consuming a variety of vitamins and minerals which are so essential to maintaining good health.
There is another way of eating though that is not only safe but it can definitely work if you follow the rules carefully. It is often known as 'Mindful Eating' and the basis of this method is that eating and weight loss are actually more often a symptom of something entirely unrelated to food. By following this method of eating you can eat without guilt, without restriction and without feeling starved. I'm sure you've all experienced those times when you've just consumed a huge meal, think about Christmas or Thanksgiving; well within an hour you're convinced you're feeling hungry all over again. Well think about this for a moment, is it really possible to be so hungry when you've just put away a three course meal? Of course it's not, so what has triggered these feelings of needing to eat? These feelings that seem so very real to you at that moment.
The first thing for you to recognise is that hunger is a physical thing it's not the same as appetite, cravings or the desire to push food into your mouth. You have to begin to recognise the real feelings of hunger with your conscious mind not just react to some trigger that has you reaching for food to fulfill a need that is deep within your subconscious. These needs can have been embedded in our subcounscious minds from early childhood and may be there for any number of reasons. Clearly too many to go into in an article such as this.
Remember though, if you really can begin to recognise true hunger it will free you from many of those cravings and reactions you have to certain issues in your life. Food is as much a drug to some people as drugs and alcohol can be to others. If you reach for food at the mearest hint of anything emotional I would definitely suggest you give this 'Mindful Eating' a try, especially if you're still trying to stop the yo-yo dieting. This along with a little safe exercise such as walking or using the little kettlebells, will soon bring about the changes in your body that you've possibly been striving to attain for any number of years.
Article Source:
Monday, 19 December 2011
The Laws to Lasting Weight Loss
Not too long ago it appeared that for lasting weight loss all one had to do was cut out bread, pasta, rice and all the rest of those delicious carbs. After that came the low fat phase and before that the high protein diet was the one to follow. So how are we supposed to sort the good from the bad, what is real and what is not, or basically what works and what doesn't?
It actually is not all that difficult but as with everything in life there are a few simple rules.
I shall be enlarging on each one of these points in further posts so if you're serious about becoming fit and healthy stay tuned.
It actually is not all that difficult but as with everything in life there are a few simple rules.
- Don't crash diet; slows your metabolism.
- Be aware of how hungry you really are; not just cravings.
- Focus on food rather than exercise.
- Pump up the fibre.
- Be consistent; six small meals per day.
- A serving is frequently smaller than you think.
- Don't use the word diet; it can become toxic to your thinking.
- Beware of meal replacements products.
- Personalise your eating plan; this is your body, your life.
I shall be enlarging on each one of these points in further posts so if you're serious about becoming fit and healthy stay tuned.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
How to Follow the Diet
Following the Diet.
Your daily routine will consist of eating six small meals per day. Three made up of breakfast, lunch and dinner then snacks at morning and afternoon tea with the final snack during the evening sometime before bedtime.
These meals are constructed essentially of protein and vegetables. A sample menu could possibly consist of omelette for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and stir fry for dinner. Snacks can be something like an hardboiled egg, 100gms of deli meat, sliced cold chicken or beef with perhaps a gherkin or dill pickleor if any of those fail to appeal why not try a protein shake or protein bars. The protein bars are readily available in most grocery markets.
One thing to be aware of is the ability of certain foods to contain a variety of detoxing abilities. If these are eaten freely and added to your protein portion they will have added health benefits for your body.
Detox Foods
Summary of Diet.
Your daily routine will consist of eating six small meals per day. Three made up of breakfast, lunch and dinner then snacks at morning and afternoon tea with the final snack during the evening sometime before bedtime.
These meals are constructed essentially of protein and vegetables. A sample menu could possibly consist of omelette for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and stir fry for dinner. Snacks can be something like an hardboiled egg, 100gms of deli meat, sliced cold chicken or beef with perhaps a gherkin or dill pickleor if any of those fail to appeal why not try a protein shake or protein bars. The protein bars are readily available in most grocery markets.
One thing to be aware of is the ability of certain foods to contain a variety of detoxing abilities. If these are eaten freely and added to your protein portion they will have added health benefits for your body.
Detox Foods
- Artichoke Hearts help keep live healthy.
- Beetroot protects liver from alcohol. Great addition for the 'silly season.'
- Garlic is a great blood cleanser and has antibacterial powers.
- Lemon helps alkalise the body. Try lemon in warm water first thing in the morning.
- Leafy Greens prtect cells in the body.
- Turmeric regenerates liver cells.
- Water detoxifies liver, kidneys and digestive tract.
- Blueberries have anticarcinogenic properties.
- Watercress is rich in iron and minerals.
- Teas: Green tea for antioxidants.
- Fennel tea stimulates liver.
- Dandelion tea ascts as a diuretic and flushes your system.
Summary of Diet.
- Click Here! for detox to get started.
- Eat six times per day- three meals plus three snacks.
- Protein to be eaten at every meal.
- Space your meals no more than three hours apart and if you're really hungry eat some protein as often as every hour.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Getting Started
I know everyone is hunting for the ultimate diet, well this is it! Easy to follow, no fees, no gym memberships and the speed of weight loss is entirely in your own hands.
There are diets abounding on both the internet and in bookshops so how is anyone expected to know just which way of eating is right for them and how can they be assured of results?
The short answer to that is - you can't.
Ultimately it comes down to a few basic facts:
Will you do what is required?
Will you do what is in the plan?
Will you do a little exercise?
If you have answered all these questions with a positive 'yes' then you are obviously motivated and ready to start.
This diet is strictly not a diet but a lifestyle eating plan. Simple to follow and it will ultimately give you the trim and toned body you are seeking. Most of all though it will give you amazing health which must be the primary goal of any eating plan.
Below is one form of eating by Jorge Cruise. He says he can help you shed your surplus weight by spending as little as eight minutes in the morning. This will move up two pounds of weight per week.

Then there is the Paleo Diet.

Eat for better health and weight loss the Paleo way with this revised edition of the bestselling guide-over 100,000 copies sold to date!
Healthy, delicious, and simple, the Paleo Diet is the diet we were designed to eat. If you want to lose weight-up to 75 pounds in six months-or if you want to attain optimal health, The Paleo Diet will work wonders. Dr. Loren Cordain demonstrates how, by eating your fill of satisfying and delicious lean meats and fish, fresh fruits, snacks, and non-starchy vegetables, you can lose weight and prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, and many other illnesses.
Breakthrough nutrition program based on eating the foods we were genetically designed to eat-lean meats and fish and other foods that made up the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors
This revised edition features new weight-loss material and recipes plus the latest information drawn from breaking Paleolithic research
Six weeks of Paleo meal plans to jumpstart a healthy and enjoyable new way of eating as well as dozens of recipes.
The Ultimate Weight Loss Diet.
By now I know you're waiting to hear how the ultimate weight loss diet works. First of all it does not require hours on the treadmill, it does not require running a marathon and it certainly does not mean you're going to end up with shin splints or any other nasties associated with hard out training.
If you're able to walk about thirty minutes per day then that's all you need. This can be spread out over the day so if you're really unfit and just getting started don't let the word exercise put you off. Five minutes at a time will do, then extend it to ten and so on.
Your food intake will consist of six meals per day based on eating protein at each meal. This eating plan is for three meals and three snacks a day.
As with many new eating plans it's always best to detox before getting started. You may choose any one of a number of methods to detox. The Lemonade Cleanse is very popular, so is fasting or simply cutting back to clear soups and water. Yet another detox is eating purely protein for three days; this is generally the required time for a detox to have effect. You may eat any meats including deli cuts, fish and eggs plus beans, lentils and tofu.
Once your detox is achieved you will be ready to proceed to step two which is the beginning of your lifestyle eating plan.
There are diets abounding on both the internet and in bookshops so how is anyone expected to know just which way of eating is right for them and how can they be assured of results?
The short answer to that is - you can't.
Ultimately it comes down to a few basic facts:
Will you do what is required?
Will you do what is in the plan?
Will you do a little exercise?
If you have answered all these questions with a positive 'yes' then you are obviously motivated and ready to start.
This diet is strictly not a diet but a lifestyle eating plan. Simple to follow and it will ultimately give you the trim and toned body you are seeking. Most of all though it will give you amazing health which must be the primary goal of any eating plan.
Below is one form of eating by Jorge Cruise. He says he can help you shed your surplus weight by spending as little as eight minutes in the morning. This will move up two pounds of weight per week.
Then there is the Paleo Diet.
Eat for better health and weight loss the Paleo way with this revised edition of the bestselling guide-over 100,000 copies sold to date!
Healthy, delicious, and simple, the Paleo Diet is the diet we were designed to eat. If you want to lose weight-up to 75 pounds in six months-or if you want to attain optimal health, The Paleo Diet will work wonders. Dr. Loren Cordain demonstrates how, by eating your fill of satisfying and delicious lean meats and fish, fresh fruits, snacks, and non-starchy vegetables, you can lose weight and prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, and many other illnesses.
Breakthrough nutrition program based on eating the foods we were genetically designed to eat-lean meats and fish and other foods that made up the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors
This revised edition features new weight-loss material and recipes plus the latest information drawn from breaking Paleolithic research
Six weeks of Paleo meal plans to jumpstart a healthy and enjoyable new way of eating as well as dozens of recipes.
The Ultimate Weight Loss Diet.
By now I know you're waiting to hear how the ultimate weight loss diet works. First of all it does not require hours on the treadmill, it does not require running a marathon and it certainly does not mean you're going to end up with shin splints or any other nasties associated with hard out training.
If you're able to walk about thirty minutes per day then that's all you need. This can be spread out over the day so if you're really unfit and just getting started don't let the word exercise put you off. Five minutes at a time will do, then extend it to ten and so on.
Your food intake will consist of six meals per day based on eating protein at each meal. This eating plan is for three meals and three snacks a day.
As with many new eating plans it's always best to detox before getting started. You may choose any one of a number of methods to detox. The Lemonade Cleanse is very popular, so is fasting or simply cutting back to clear soups and water. Yet another detox is eating purely protein for three days; this is generally the required time for a detox to have effect. You may eat any meats including deli cuts, fish and eggs plus beans, lentils and tofu.
Once your detox is achieved you will be ready to proceed to step two which is the beginning of your lifestyle eating plan.
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